Art & Design Statement of Intent
Art and Design Curriculum Intent Statement
At SMSJ, we have created a bespoke art curriculum based on the Art and Design National Curriculum. It is our intent that learners of all abilities access an engaging, inspiring and challenging art and design curriculum.
Our aims are for all children to:
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design
- techniques
- evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Our Art and Design scheme of work incorporates the content of the National Curriculum, along with planned opportunities to meet the very specific needs of our children. Given that the majority of our children have English as an Additional Language (EAL), these opportunities focus on:
1. Language development and understanding of key scientific vocabulary
Key vocabulary is displayed on working walls, topic covers which mark units of work in children’s sketch books provide key words, definitions and pictures to represent new art vocabulary covered in the unit. At the beginning of a unit, new vocabulary is discussed and it is continually referred to as the lessons progress. Children are further encouraged to use newly acquired language during discussions, in annotations and in their written evaluations.
2. Oracy development
During art lessons children are provided with regular opportunities to discuss different aspects of art. Children discuss art work and the techniques of famous artists. It is during this time that they are encouraged to use new vocabulary. In addition, children also have discussions evaluating their own and their peers Art work. More in-depth discussions take place when the children have completed their end of unit piece of work.
3. Learning experiences
Our art and design curriculum provides children with the opportunity to develop a range of creative and expressive skills. Each unit equips children with a range of artistic skills and techniques, which they can experiment with when creating their final piece. In addition, we have an annual Arts Day where children take part in a range of activities incorporating Art, Dance and Music. As well as this our children also have the opportunity to take part in community Art projects. For example, some of our children recently took part in a National event with The Bureau Centre for the Arts. The children worked with the local Arts Centre exploring both the heritage of the textile industry and creating artwork on the theme of positivity about our town and it’s future.
Art and our School Vision
At SMSJ, we firmly believe that ‘With God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26), and we are dedicated to ensuring that all children feel this way when learning about art. Our school motto ‘Nurture, Inspire, Achieve’ underpins the delivery of lessons we provide. Children learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, sculpting and the creation of digital art. This is done through the close exploration of a given artist. Within the development of each skill, children are actively encouraged to take risks in a supportive, nurturing environment. We believe that this exploration of other artists enables and inspires all children to experiment with their own creativity, develop a sense of curiosity and allows them to freely express themselves. By the end of the unit each child will have created a final piece of art work.
In addition to this, children reflect and evaluate both their own and their peers’ creations, in either a written format or verbally. This is to aid the development of a positive growth mindset, instilling into children the appreciation and celebration of their achievements, whilst still aiming for improvement. This is as well as further developing their independence and oracy skills.
We ensure that as children progress they develop a more critical and rigorous understanding of art and design. Through improvisations and experimentation in a non-judgemental environment, children learn more about themselves and their world. This enables them to understand and reflect upon how art shapes our history, culture and creativity of our world. This is done through the teaching of a range of different artists from different historical time periods. Within this, pupils analyse and explore select pieces of art work, learn key facts about a significant historical figure and come to understand different cultural heritages.
At SMSJ we recognise that Art and Design can sometimes be a daunting subject and we know how important it is for staff to have current up to date skills in this every changing society. The subject leader endeavours to share updates on a regular basis which gives staff the subject knowledge and first-hand experience to deliver effective, engaging lessons. Each unit plan is detailed and has specific resources, both for planning and delivery, to support and develop teacher confidence.