Writing Statement of Intent
English Statement of Intent
Our mission statement underpins all aspects of the school’s work, informs school development and shapes the school environment and our curriculum. It is firmly based upon our belief that, ‘with God all things are possible’. It is encapsulated in our motto, Nurture, Inspire, Achieve.
Nurture: We care for, support and protect our children whilst they are growing and learning with us and encourage them to do the same for each other and the wider community. At St Michael with St John, we view the acquisition of language skills to be of the utmost importance and so the teaching of all aspects of English is given high priority. We recognise that the ability to read independently and effectively for meaning is one of the most important skills that we can teach our children from the very earliest age. We also value that writing is integral to our children’s whole language experience; it is a crucial part of thinking and learning.
Inspire: We inspire each child to become a confident, inquiring citizen with an enthusiasm and desire to learn and explore. We teach through the use of high-quality texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and ensuring new curriculum expectations and the progression of skills are met. The children at St Michael with St John will be exposed to a language heavy, creative and continuous English curriculum which will not only enable them to become primary literate but will also develop a love of reading, creative writing and purposeful speaking and listening.
Achieve: We encourage our children to achieve in all areas not just in school but in life beyond school. The teaching of all aspects of English is therefore given high priority. We aim to develop pupils’ abilities within an integrated Framework of Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing. Pupils are also given opportunities to interrelate the requirements of English within a broad and balanced approach to the teaching of English across the whole curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught literacy skills. At St Michael with St John, we strive for all children to be a ‘Primary Literate Pupil’.
At SMSJ we use the Ready Steady Write Planning Units from Literacy Counts as a basis for our English (writing) curriculum. Through our English planning we aim to consolidate three key features of writing. These are:
- Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary (Word Level)
- Sentence Structure, Grammar and Punctuation (Sentence Level)
- Text, Structure and Organisation (Text Level)
The Teaching Sequence
These key features are addressed through a consistent approach to the teaching of English units. Teachers must use the planning documents provided by Literacy Counts and follow the teaching sequence of:
- Immerse
- Analyse
- Planning
- Write
The English units form part of a whole cross-curricular theme which allows the children to use and apply the taught vocabulary in their writing.
Extended Writing Outcomes
Each unit of work should result in at least two (and possibly three) extended, written outcomes.
This allows children several opportunities to practise and apply newly acquired skills in context.
Assessments are made in line with the school assessment policy.
English is measured, against year group expectations. It is expected that children will achieve these outcomes by the end of the year. We strive to ensure that our children's attainment is in line or exceeds their potential when we consider the varied starting points of all our children.
We measure this using a range of materials, whilst always considering the age-related expectations for each year group. Children will make at least good progress in Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening from their last point of statutory assessment. The impact of our English curriculum will ensure our pupils are academically prepared for life beyond primary school and throughout their educational journey.
Teachers use effective formative assessment to ensure planning is based on prior attainment and that pupils know what they need to do to achieve the next steps.
Regular feedback is given to pupils (see the school’s Marking Policy) and helps them to understand how to be successful, what they have achieved and what they need to do to improve further. The pupils are given time within lessons or daily timetables to specifically respond to marking feedback and improve their work.
Half termly staff meetings are carried out to give teachers the opportunity to moderate children’s writing together. Teachers complete a moderation grid for identified children. Team moderation ensures that the termly data recorded is consistent throughout school. The ‘Moderation Booklets’ are used for this purpose.