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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

British Values in the EYFS

British Values in the EYFS


At SMSJ, we believe that the fundamental British Values should be introduced to children at an early age.  They are therefore integrated and reinforced during children’s daily learning.  In addition, explicit teaching of the British Values takes place during whole school events e.g. Black History Month, religious festivals and charity fundraising events.  Teaching the British Values impacts positively on children’s personal development.  They leave the EYFS with a good understanding of right from wrong, have confidence in what they can achieve, know to appreciate differences between themselves and others and are beginning to understand how they can make a positive contribution to society.  The children are well prepared for Year 1, where learning about the British Values is further built upon.


Please click on the document below for examples of how the British Values are taught and promoted in our school: