Mathematics Statement of Intent
Mathematics Statement of Intent
At SMSJ we follow the White Rose scheme of work, which is based on the National Curriculum. We have personalised our delivery of the scheme to create an ambitious Mathematics curriculum, which meets the specific needs of every pupil in our school. Our aims are for every learner to:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately;
- reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language;
- can solve problems by applying their Mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
We aim to raise children’s aspirations through carefully planning opportunities which promote enjoyment, curiosity, exploration, investigation and discussion in Mathematics. Given that the majority of our children have English as an Additional Language (EAL), these opportunities are underpinned by:
1. Language Development and the Understanding of Key Mathematical Vocabulary
Our learning environments are language rich and are regularly updated and adapted, so that all learners can access them on a daily basis. By explicitly teaching and recapping precise mathematical vocabulary, we aim for our pupils to have the tools to accurately explain their methods, connections and reasoning in full stem sentences.Staff consistently model and promote different stem sentences within every Maths lesson, as this supports our pupils in structuring their mathematical ideas or generalities, providing a framework which embeds their knowledge and builds deeper understanding. In turn, further strengthening their memory of every area of the curriculum. To further develop children’s acquisition of mathematical language, regular writing opportunities are provided, which enable our pupils to apply skills and challenge them to explain their understanding and reasoning coherently and accurately.
2. Oracy Development
In every lesson, our pupils are provided with the opportunity to discuss their mathematical knowledge in pairs and within groups. In addition to this, our pupils are encouraged to present their thinking in full sentences with precise mathematical vocabulary. Our aim is for our children to develop the oracy skills which will enable them to effectively question, teach and support their peers across all strands of our Mathematics curriculum.
3. Learning Experiences
At the core of our coherently planned and sequenced daily teaching, is the aim for every learner to develop a balanced, deep and fluent understanding of all areas of the Mathematics curriculum, which will be built on over time. We aim for our pupils to be able to independently solve increasingly sophisticated problems, by quickly and accurately applying their knowledge and by exploring rich connections across the curriculum. In order to broaden children’s life experiences, we provide first-hand learning opportunities, which expose children to the Mathematics in the world around them. We have an annual STEM Week in school where children work on an exciting project, which encourages collaborative work with peers, critical thinking and promotes valuable connections being made across the wider curriculum. In addition to this, through incorporating investigative opportunities into our daily teaching of Mathematics, we aim for our pupils to develop an understanding of the ways in which information should be systematically gathered and presented within investigations.
Our intent is for the majority of our pupils to move through the Mathematics curriculum at broadly the same pace. However, we understand that every child has their own strengths and needs and so the decision to move our pupils on to the next step is based on how secure their understanding is and their readiness to progress. Pupils who grasp concepts quickly, will be challenged to deepen their understanding further. Whilst pupils who are not sufficiently fluent will be provided with additional time and support, in order to consolidate their knowledge and build their confidence.
By consistently revisiting previous learning, though quick quizzes and Flashback 4, we aim to ensure that every pupil knows more, remembers more and is prepared for the transition to the next stage of their education and their lives beyond this. Ultimately, we intend to instil a passion for Mathematics in our pupils, which they will take with them throughout their lives.
At SMSJ, we know how crucial it is for staff to have current, up to date skills in this ever changing society and the subject leader endeavours to share updates on a regular basis, which provide staff with the subject knowledge and first-hand experiences to be flexible to the changing needs of our pupils and to deliver effective, engaging lessons. New staff also receive hands on training to ensure that they are confident in delivering effective Mathematics lessons at SMSJ.
Mathematics and our School Vision
At SMSJ, we firmly believe that ‘With God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26), and we are dedicated to ensuring that all learners live and breathe this throughout their Mathematics lessons. We nurture all children, providing them with the tools and resources to become independent learners and to curiously investigate and question the unknown. We inspire them with exciting opportunities to plan and carry out their own investigations and to learn about how Mathematics offers us a unique insight into the wider world, providing the solutions to some of history’s most intriguing problems. Therefore, we aim for our pupils to understand the key role of Mathematics in everyday life, through planned opportunities for them to apply their skills across the wider curriculum in subjects such as Science and Design Technology. We understand that all of our learners at SMSJ achieve in their own way and at their own pace, whether when gaining knowledge of new mathematical concepts, building the confidence to present mathematical ideas to their peers, becoming resilient in accepting that things can and do go wrong, or persevering when investigations require an adaptable yet systematic approach. Mathematics at SMSJ is led with passion and commitment as we believe that all learners deserve the very best education.