Year 2
Year 2
Pupils in year 2 revisit and build on the skills learned in the areas of mechanisms and cooking and nutrition, whilst being introduced to textiles. They will continue to develop their understanding of the evaluate, design, make and evaluate process.
In the area of mechanisms, children explore and use wheels, axles and axle holders, as well as learning how to distinguish between fixed and freely moving axles. They select from and use tools and equipment to cut, shape, join and finish appropriate materials to produce a free moving vehicle.
Cooking & Nutrition
Year 2 pupils further their existing knowledge in cooking and nutrition. They examine a range of food types, where they are sourced, their nutritional benefits and how they can be combined into a healthy dish. Children revisit and expand on the hygiene rules covered in the previous year group, whilst using a simple range of equipment and tools safely.
The introduction of textiles in Year 2 provides children with the opportunity to develop the following technical skills:
- how simple 3-D textile products are made, using a template to create two identical shapes
- how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue, over stitch, stapling
- explore different finishing techniques e.g. using painting, fabric crayons, stitching, sequins, buttons and ribbons
In all topic areas, Year 2 pupils evaluate their finished products against the design brief both verbally and in writing.