Year 2
Autumn 1
This half term block in Year 2 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories by the same author
- Non-chronological reports
- Poems on a theme
Children will begin the Autumn term by building on what they have learnt about composition in Year One.
During the Autumn term children in Year Two learn to plan and discuss what to write about. This is often taught through story mapping and collecting new vocabulary, key words and ideas. They also learn to use specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes e.g. letters and narrative.
Building on their knowledge from Year One, Year Two children now begin to proof read to check for errors in punctuation and evaluate their writing with adults and peers.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Building on the knowledge gained in Year One, children secure the use of full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks. They also secure the ability to say, write and punctuate simple and compound sentences using the joining words and, but. New learning is introduced as the children begin to use sentences with different forms but at this point in the year only focusing on the use of statements and questions. Children also learn to use past tense verbs during the narrative unit.
By the end of the first half of the Autumn term, children in Year Two will produce three writing outcomes. An innovated narrative based on a model, a non-chronological report and a poem based on a theme.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Autumn term are:
- Words ending in -ge
- Words ending in -dge
- Spelling 'c' before e, i and y
- Words beginning with kn- and gn-
- Words beginning with wr-
- Words ending in -le
Autumn 2
This half term block in Year 2 consists of two genres which are:
- Traditional tales with a twist
- Instructions
Children will begin the second half of the Autumn term by continuing to plan and discuss what to write about. They also continue to consider specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes. New learning is introduced at this point in the year where children are taught to select, generate and effectively use verbs. They also build on their knowledge of proof reading from the first half of the Autumn term by proofreading to check for correct form of verbs within sentences, e.g. correcting he walking to the shop to he walked to the shop.
Evaluating writing with adults and peers is placed as a high priority during this half term.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
During the second half of the Autumn term, new learning is introduced to support instructional writing. Children are taught to use commas to separate items in a list and to select, generate and effectively use adverbs.
This is also supported through spelling with the use of the suffix -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs.
By the end of the first half of the Autumn term, children in Year Two will produce two writing outcomes. An innovated traditional tale with a twist and a set of instructions.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Autumn term are:
- Words ending in -el
- Words ending in -al
- Words ending in -il
- Words ending in -y
- Adding -es to words ending in -y
- Adding -ed to a root word ending in -y
- Adding -er and -est to root words ending in -y
Spring 1
This half term block in Year 2 consists of two genres which are:
- Stories by the same author
- Non-chronological reports
Children will begin the first half of the Spring term by continuing to plan and discuss what to write about. They continue to consider specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes and how to select, generate and effectively use verbs. They also build on their knowledge of proof reading by proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Throughout this unit there are lots of opportunities for children to develop stamina for writing in order to write at length. When reading their writing aloud there is a particular focus on reading with intonation to make their meaning clear.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
During the first half of the Spring term, new learning is introduced. Children are taught to use apostrophes for contracted forms e.g. don't, can't, wouldn't, you're, I'll and are also introduced to subordination for time using when, before and after e.g. We went out to play when we had finished our writing. When we had finished our writing, we went out to play.
By the end of the first half of the Spring term, children in Year Two will produce two writing outcomes. A story based on a model and a class information book.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Spring term are:
- Adding -ing to root words ending in -y.
- Adding new endings to root words ending in -e
- Adding new endings to one-syllable words with short vowel sounds
- Spelling words with al and all
- The 'u' sound spelt o
Spring 2
This half term block in Year 2 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories with familiar settings
- Persuasion
- Riddles
Children will begin the second half of the Spring term by continuing to plan and discuss what to write about. They continue to consider specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes and how to select, generate and effectively use verbs. They also build on their knowledge of proof reading by proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Throughout this unit there are lots of opportunities for children to develop stamina for writing in order to write at length. When reading their writing aloud there is a particular focus on reading with intonation to make their meaning clear. New learning is introduced as the children begin to use sentences with different forms this time building on knowledge from the Autumn term to include exclamations and commands.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
During the second half of the Spring term, new learning is introduced. Children are taught to explore the progressive form of verbs in the present tense (e.g. she is drumming) and past tense (e.g. he was shouting) to mark actions in progress. A stronger emphasis is placed on the use of present tense throughout the persuasive writing unit.
Children also learn to select, generate and effectively use adjectives and use suffixes -er and -est to create adjectives e.g. faster, fastest, smaller, smallest.
By the end of the second half of the Spring term, children in Year Two will produce three writing outcomes. An innovated narrative, a persuasive advert and a riddle
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Spring term are:
- The 'ee' sound spelt 'ey'
- The o sound spelt 'a' after w and qu
- The er sound spelt or after w
- The or sound spelt ar after w
- The 'sh' sound spelt s
Summer 1
This half term block in Year 3 consists of three genres which are:
- Animal Adventure Stories
- Recounts- Letters
- Classic Poems
During the narrative unit in the Summer term, children learn to plan and discuss what to write about. They learn this through a variety of different strategies such as story mapping, collecting new vocabulary, and discussing key words and ideas. They orally rehearse each sentence prior to writing and are encouraged to proofread to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. At this stage in the year children in Year Two are able to write at length. They develop a positive attitude towards writing and their stamina for writing increases dramatically in order to prepare them for Year Three. The fiction unit also encourages children to use specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes e.g. entertain.
These skills are built upon within both the poetry and non-fiction units. During these units the children are also encouraged to evaluate their writing and to read their writing aloud with intonation to make the meaning clear.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. During the fiction unit, children are taught to use the subordinating conjunction that in a sentence, e.g. I hope that it doesn’t rain on sports day and to select, generate and effectively use adverbs. Alongside this skill the use of the suffix -ly is taught so children can turn adjectives into adverbs effectively. As this unit is a fiction unit, children are also taught to use the past tense consistently. During the recounts unit children are introduced to new learning. They are taught to use apostrophes for contracted forms e.g. don’t, can’t, wouldn’t, you’re, I’ll and for singular possession in nouns, e.g. the girl’s name. Their suffix knowledge is built upon through the ability to select, generate and effectively use nouns where the children are taught to add suffixes -ness and -er e.g. happiness, sadness, teacher, baker. Finally, during the poetry unit, children are consolidating their understanding of the different sentence types through using sentences with different forms: statement; question; command; exclamation. They also build upon their knowledge of compound words from Year One to create compound words using nouns, e.g. whiteboard and football.
By the end of the first half of the Summer term, children in Year Two will produce three writing outcomes. An innovated outcome based on an animal adventure story, a letter in the form of a recount and an innovated classic poem.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Summer term are:
- Adding suffixes -ment -less -ful -ly -ness
- Apostrophes for contractions
- Apostrophes to show possession
Summer 2
This half term block in Year 3 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories on a theme
- Explanations
- Poems on a theme
During the narrative unit in the Summer term, children learn to plan and discuss what to write about. They learn this through a variety of different strategies such as story mapping, collecting new vocabulary, and discussing key words and ideas. They orally rehearse each sentence prior to writing and are encouraged to proofread to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Running alongside their proofreading skills, children in the second half of the Summer term are also taught to edit and improve their writing. During this unit a particular focus is placed on the children being able to edit and improve in relation to audience and purpose. Children continue to develop a positive attitude towards writing and their stamina for writing increases dramatically in order to prepare them for Year Three. The fiction unit also encourages children to use specific text type features to write for a range of audiences and purposes e.g. entertain. These skills are built upon within both non-fiction and poetry units.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. During both the fiction and non-fiction units, children are consolidating their use of apostrophes both for contracted forms and for singular possession in nouns. A particular focus is also placed on subordination where the children explore subordination for time and reason. During the poetry unit, children are revisiting commas to separate items in a list and are also consolidating their understanding of the use of suffixes to create adjectives.
By the end of the second half of the Summer term, children in Year Two will produce three writing outcomes. A written narrative, a poem on a theme and an explanation text linked to a process.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year Two at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern as a weekly focus and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Summer term are:
- Words ending in -tion
- Homophones
- Homophones and near homophones