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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Year 2

Year 2 Rationale 


Autumn 1


Number (Place Value)

In Year 2, pupils build on the learning in Year 1.  Autumn 1 begins with Number and Place Value, where pupils count forwards and backwards within 20, before progressing to within 50.  Pupils then deepen their understanding of Place Value by identifying the tens and ones within numbers to 20 and then numbers to 50.  Pupils progress onto representing numbers in a place value chart.  This knowledge is then applied, alongside pupils’ understanding of the abstract part-whole model, to add numbers. Pupils build on their knowledge of numbers within 50 to compare and order concrete and pictorial representations, before progressing onto comparing and ordering abstract numbers.  Once pupils are secure with numbers within 50, they build on this knowledge to understand and represent numbers up to 100.  This unit concludes with the pupils building on their knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in Year 1 to now count in 3s.  This understanding leads into the pupils multiplying and dividing by 2, 5 and 10 in Spring 1.


Number (Addition and Subtraction)

Pupils build on their learning in the first unit of Autumn 1 to gain a secure understanding of Number with Addition and Subtraction.  They progress from number bonds to 10 in Year 1 to now identify addition and subtraction bonds to 20. Once pupils are secure with this knowledge, they build on this to identify number bonds to 100 by applying their knowledge of 10s.  Pupils learn to check their calculations and strengthen their ability to identify links and connections through comparing number sentences and locating related facts.  Pupils build on their knowledge of calculating one more and one less in Year 1 to now calculate 10 more and 10 less than given numbers, by adding and subtracting 10s and making 10.  This half term concludes with the pupils adding 2-digit and 1-digit numbers crossing 10s, before progressing onto subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number crossing 10s.


Autumn 1 concludes with an end of term review of learning which monitors pupils’ attainment and progress to date, highlighting pupils who have gaps in their knowledge and who are to be targeted for intervention next half term.


Autumn 2


Number (Addition and Subtraction)

Pupils begin with a review of the learning from Autumn 1. Pupils then build on their knowledge of adding

2-digit and 1-digit numbers together to add together two 2-digit numbers. Once pupils are secure with adding without crossing 10s, they progress onto adding crossing the 10s. Pupils then build on their knowledge of subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers to subtract 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers. Once pupils are secure with subtracting without crossing 10s, they then progress onto subtracting crossing the 10s.  Pupils consolidate their understanding of addition and subtraction by answering mixed addition and subtraction calculations.  This unit concludes with pupils adding three 1-digit numbers using a mental method and concrete and pictorial representations.


Measurement (Money)

Pupils build on the Measurement of Money unit in Year 1 Summer 2, when they recognised coins and notes.  They now count money in pounds and pence with notes and coins.  Pupils progress onto investigating different ways that they can select amounts of money and how they can make the same amount of money using different coins and notes. Pupils build on this knowledge to compare amounts of money.  This unit concludes with pupils using their knowledge of addition and subtraction to calculate the total, calculate the difference and to calculate change.  Pupils have the opportunity to apply their skills and build a deeper understanding of money through solving two step problems, where they independently select the knowledge that is required to efficiently and accurately calculate and check an answer.


Number (Multiplication and Division)

Pupils build on their knowledge of Number through Multiplication and Division in Year 1 to make equal groups, redistribute from unequal groups to equal groups, add equal groups together and make arrays.  Similarly to previous learning, pupils begin with concrete and pictorial representations, before progressing onto using abstract representations.


Autumn 2 concludes with an end of term review of learning which monitors pupils’ attainment and progress to date, highlighting pupils who have gaps in their knowledge and who are to be targeted for intervention next term.


Spring 1


Number (Multiplication and Division)

Pupils begin Spring 1 with a review of the learning from Autumn 2.  Pupils then build on this knowledge by forming multiplication sentences using pictorial representations.  Pupils progress onto forming multiplication sentences with the multiplication symbol (x). Pupils build on their knowledge of making doubles in Year 1 Summer 1 to develop a secure understanding of the 2 times table and dividing by 2 (halving). They then progress onto the 5 and 10 times tables and dividing by 5 and 10, building on from the learning of counting in 5s and 10s in Autumn 1.  This unit concludes with pupils understanding odd and even numbers.


Number (Statistics)

Pupils conclude Spring 1 building on their knowledge of Number and Place Value and different ways to represent amounts by making tally charts and drawing and interpreting pictograms and block diagrams.


Spring 1 concludes with an end of term review of learning which monitors pupils’ attainment and progress to date, highlighting pupils who have gaps in their knowledge and who are to be targeted for intervention next half term.


Spring 2


Geometry (Properties of Shape)

Pupils recognise 2D and 3D shapes, before progressing onto counting the sides and vertices of 2D shapes, accurately drawing and sorting 2D shapes.  Pupils build on this knowledge to apply their understanding of properties of 2D shapes to make patterns and to identify lines of symmetry.  Pupils conclude this unit by progressing onto counting faces, vertices and edges on 3D shapes, sorting 3D shapes and making patterns with 3D shapes.


Number (Fractions)

Pupils build on their knowledge of Fractions in Year 1 Summer 1 to now recognise and find halves, quarters and thirds.  Pupils progress from understanding one quarter and one half to understanding that the relationship between 2 quarters and one half is that they are equivalent. They then build on this knowledge to understand 3 quarters. Once pupils have a secure understanding of this knowledge, they progress onto abstract unit and

non-unit fractions.  This unit concludes with pupils counting in fractions and applying their knowledge to solve problems involving fractions.


Spring 2 concludes with an end of term review of learning which monitors pupils’ attainment and progress to date, highlighting pupils who have gaps in their knowledge and who are to be targeted for intervention next term.


Summer 1


Measurement (Length)

Pupils begin the Summer term by building on the knowledge that they gained from Year 1 Spring 2, when they compared different heights and lengths. Pupils now measure different lengths in cm and m using a ruler and metre stick, before using their knowledge of Place Value and Number to order lengths accurately.  This unit concludes with pupils using the four operations to solve problems involving lengths.


Geometry (Position and Direction)

Pupils build on their knowledge of Geometry Position and Direction in Year 1 Summer 2, when they described positions on a grid. Now pupils apply this knowledge to solve problems involving positions and to describe movements and turns.


Summer 1 is when pupils sit their Mathematics SATs examinations, monitoring pupils’ attainment and progress at the end of KS1. This data also informs the next academic year’s whole school areas for development, which are included within the Mathematics Action Plan.


Summer 2


Measurement (Time)

Pupils begin Summer 2 by building on their knowledge of the Measurement of Time in Year 1 Summer 2, when they told the time to the hour and half hour.  Pupils progress onto writing and reading the time on an analogue clock to o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and telling the time to 5 minutes. This unit concludes with pupils understanding how many hours there are in a day and finding and comparing durations of time.


Measurement (Mass, Capacity and Temperature)

Pupils build on their understanding of weight and mass and measuring mass in Year 1 Spring 2 to compare mass and measure mass accurately in the metric units g and kg. Once pupils are secure with mass, they progress onto capacity and volume. Pupils build on their knowledge of measuring capacity in Year 1 Spring 2 to now compare different volumes and to measure capacities accurately in the metric units ml and l. This unit concludes with pupils applying their knowledge of the four operations to calculate mass and volume and understanding temperature.


Summer 2 concludes with an end of year review of learning, which monitors pupils’ attainment and progress at the end of Year 2. The knowledge that our pupils gain in Year 2 forms the foundations of their learning in Year 3 and beyond. Due to this, a review of learning takes place in Autumn 1 of Year 3 to ensure that pupils are ready for their new learning.