What are we learning this half-term?
Autumn 1
This half term our theme is “I am special”.
We will be settling into our new routine in Sunshines class, making new friends and will be learning all about ourselves and what makes each one of us special.
We will also be learning all about the seasons, our feelings and what makes us feel certain ways and looking at how we have grown and changed.
Here are some of the books we will be reading together this half term. Our main book is 'The Something' .
Does your child have a favourite story?

Autumn 2
This half term our theme is “Let's Celebrate”.
We will be continuing to develop our friendships and learning about different traditions and celebrations from around the world, including some religious celebrations.
We will also be learning to read CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words e.g. pop,
cat & hug and will be exploring ways to make numbers to 10.
Please see our half-termly bulletin for more information!
Our main story is Star in the Jar
Below are some of the other books we will be reading together this half term.
Spring 1
This half term our theme is Super heroes including “People Who Help Us”.
We will also be learning all about winter, special people from history, Chinese new year and engaging in question-and-answer time with special people from our community e.g., a nurse, to find out how and why they help us.
Here are some of the books we will be reading together this half term:

Spring 2
This half term our theme is “Once Upon a Time”.
This means we will be learning all about traditional tales that have been told for hundreds of years, including the Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood and the 3 Little Pigs. Can you think of any more?
Our literacy work will be based on Little Red by Bethan Woollvin.
We will also be exploring what a 'tradition' is and sharing if our families have any, as well as learning about traditions from other cultures and countries.
In Maths, we will be continuing our learning about the composition of numbers up to 10, finding 1 more and 1 less and begin to explore 3D shapes.
Below are some of the books we will be reading together this half term:

Summer 1
This half term our theme is “Let's Grow”.
This means we will be learning all about the growth of plants and animals. We will be planting some seeds to watch them grow and observing the different life-cycles of animals, including butterflies.
In Literacy, we will be sharing stories about the growth of plants and animals. Our main story will be 'The Extraordinary Gardener' by Sam Boughton. We will will also be reading other books about growth and change such as: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Jasper's Beanstalk and Tadpole's Promise. The children will be learning to: write sentences with connectives (and & because) and write sentences with simple punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops).
In Maths, we will be continuing our learning about pattern and shape. We will be learning about numbers 10-20 and learning to count beyond 20. We will be consolidating the mathematical learning we have already begun including addition and subtraction skills.
This half term the children take part in Tots to Tyres. They are taught important bike skills and the safety of riding.
Please see our half termly bulletin for more information!
Our main book
Summer 2
This half term our theme is “At the Beach”.
We will be learning all about oceans, the seaside and sea creatures. We will also be comparing different localities. The children will take part in a fun Pirate themed week and learn how to look after the ocean. We will also be supporting the children with the transition to Year 1.
In Literacy, we will be reading 'Storm Whale'. We will be sharing books about the sea by reading ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and ‘The Night Pirates’. We will also be looking at non-fiction books. The children will be working on: writing sentences with connectives (and & because) and writing sentences with simple punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops).
In Maths, the children will be learning: numeral writing, addition and subtraction, odd and even numbers, doubling numbers, division (sharing and grouping) and patterns.
Please see our half termly bulletin for more information!