Key Stage 1
Pupils begin to explore the roles of different people, including the wider community as well as their own families. Pupils continue to explore families further, looking at different types of families and understanding feeling cared for. Pupils then go on to learn about how to recognise privacy and also seeking permission. Following this, children explore different strands of safety. This includes personal safety, online safety, and other ways to keep safe in our community such as road safety. Children then begin to explore how different behaviours, both positive and negative, affect others and learn the importance of being polite and respectful.
Pupils begin to explore friendships. Children learn about building friendships and in turn feeling lonely. Pupils further explore this by learning how to ask and who to ask for help. Pupils then begin to explore the topic of ‘safe relationships’ whereby they explore managing secrets, understanding the meaning of and resisting pressure, and again the reassurance of how to and who to get help from. This leads into the exploration of children being able to recognise hurtful behaviour. In the final section of this unit, pupils learn to recognise things in common and also differences, this linking to prior learning from Year 1 in differences in families and friendships, but now also exploring things in common and differences in each other. Pupils learn about playing and working cooperatively, and finally sharing opinions.
Living in the Wider World
Through this topic, children begin by developing a solid understanding of what rules are. They explore the meaning of caring and how to apply this to caring for other people and also caring for the environment. This topic is further explored through media literacy whereby pupils explore using the internet and a range of different devices and how these are used for communicating online. Children also learn the importance of using these medias safely. Children then go on to explore the wider world through money and work, they evaluate their strengths and interests and learn about different jobs in the community.
In this topic, children learn about belonging to a community and more specifically belonging to a group. They develop an understanding of different roles and responsibilities of a member of the community, including their own roles and responsibilities. They continue to build upon their understanding of difference as learnt in the Relationships topic, by making links to similarities and differences in the community. Children then learn about how technology fits into our everyday lives, exploring various online content and information. Finally, children develop a better understanding of money than that learnt in Maths. They understand the meaning of looking after money and linking this to managing their needs and wants.
Health and Well-being
Children explore the meaning of keeping healthy and how the food we eat and exercise we do contribute to this. Pupils revisit the key learning surrounding hygiene from Reception and develop this by exploring different hygiene routines. Children also explore sun safety and protecting our bodies in sunny weather. Children then go on to develop their understanding of their self, recognising what makes them unique and special. They explore managing different feelings, particularly feelings felt when something goes wrong and how to deal with that. Finally, pupils delve more into safety, exploring how rules and age restrictions help to protect us, and more specifically online safety.
Through Health and Wellbeing children develop a better understanding of ways in which we can keep ourselves healthy. Pupils learn why sleep holds such an importance for our health, how to keep our teeth healthy and also how medicines help us to return to health when we are unwell. Children develop a better understanding of their feelings and how to manage different feelings, along with knowing how to ask for help. Children then develop more of an understanding of their bodies, exploring the changes that occur as we get older and naming body parts. Their understanding of changes through age is also applied to moving class or year group. Finally, children learn more about safety in different scenarios. Children understand risks they might experience at home and applying their knowledge of safety to their home environment. Children explore emergencies and draw on their knowledge learnt from previous year groups on who to go to and how to access help in emergency situations.