Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure
Reading for pleasure is given a high priority at SMSJ. We hold an annual Super Reading Week in October and celebrate World Book Day in March, during which our children have access to a variety of reading experiences, including visits from local authors & visits to Blackburn Central Library. Reading Buddy sessions take place on a half-termly basis and children enjoy sharing stories with children from a different class. We have a fantastic school library which is open at lunchtimes and children enjoy collecting stamps on their library loyalty card. We also celebrate ‘Author of the Month’ and have lots of competitions for the children to take part in. Our school book shop offers a range of popular fiction and non-fiction titles which we sell at cost price.
Other ways in which we promote reading include:
Star Reads
Each class has an on-going ‘Star Read’ – these are a core of books from the Pie Corbett Reading Spine which ‘create a living library inside a child’s mind’. The Star Read is timetabled to promote reading for pleasure and enjoyment. It is an expectation that the children should be able to talk confidently about the star-read books, what they’re about and the author of each book by the end of the year.
Classroom Reading Corners
Each classroom has a reading corner which promotes reading for pleasure and provides children with a comfortable place to enjoy a good book.