Year 6
Year 6
Pupils in Year 6 are challenged to continue to develop their independence and apply previous skills when working through the evaluate, design, make and evaluate model in the area of Cooking & nutrition and a final unit which combines learning from across the DT skills bases. They are expected to talk confidently about each stage of the iterative process and provide constructive feedback to peers.
Cooking & Nutrition
In cooking and nutrition, pupils are challenged to apply the knowledge and skills developed through Years 1-5 and produce a healthy menu for a hospital. They research and learn about a chef (Jamie Oliver) and how he has influenced eating habits to promote varied and healthy diets. Pupils critically evaluate the school menu and increase their knowledge of kitchen hygiene by interviewing a chef. In a practical session, they use an increased range of equipment to produce a healthy dish with minimal cross contamination. They identify potential issues/risks/cultural views about certain ingredients, apply their knowledge of the Eatwell Plate and food groups and make cross-curricular links to science (how their choices may affect the human body). Pupils work collaboratively using a range of ICT software to produce a menu. Upon completion, pupils present their menu to the class, explaining how it meets the needs of the end user by using a range of technical and sensory vocabulary.
To round off their cooking and nutrition journey, pupils will be tasked to independently follow the iterative process and produce one item from their food menu. They are encouraged to rigorously apply their hygiene and health & safety knowledge and include an element of seasoning or decoration that makes their product unique.
ICT & Electrical Systems
The final unit allows the Year 6 pupils to demonstrate and apply their skills and knowledge from both across the D&T curriculum and other STEM subjects. They are encouraged to critically review and respond to feedback from others at each step of the evaluate, design, make, evaluate process.
Pupils will develop a simple design specification to guide the development of their ideas and products, taking account of constraints including time, resources and potential cost. They generate, develop and model innovative ideas, through discussion, prototypes and annotated sketches.
When making, they competently select from and use appropriate tools to accurately measure, mark out, cut, shape and join construction materials to make any required frameworks. Pupils integrate control software and electrical components enabling their design to react autonomously.
Throughout the making process they evaluate their products against their design specification and intended user and purpose. They identify strengths and areas for development, carry out appropriate tests and make suggestions about how the product could be improved using relevant technical vocabulary.