What are we learning this half term?
Spring 1
This half term, we will be learning ...
Collective Worship
Our values are Respect, Love, Forgiveness, Service, Friendship and Peace. These values underpin our curriculum.
Throughout this half term, we are learning about what each value means and how we can promote each one through our daily actions to make a positive contribution to our school and the wider community. We are reading, listening to and responding to bible stories, which teach Christians about the importance of our values in daily life.
In English, we will be looking at a text called ‘Arthur and the Leaf’ to help us write our own myth narrative. Within this unit we will be working on how we can use new vocabulary to create an atmosphere within our setting descriptions. We will also be writing an information guide.
In Maths we will be extending our learning on how to calculate using multiplication and division. We will also be learning all about fractions! This unit of learning will cover equivalent fractions as well as learning to add and subtract with fractions, including fractions greater than 1.
In Science our unit for this term is Animals including Humans. Within this unit we will be learning about our teeth and the digestive system.
Religious Education
This half term, we are learning about Jesus and we will be thinking about the following question:
Why do Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God?
Some of the key questions we will be exploring are:
- How do we know Jesus had power and authority?
- Where did Jesus’ power and authority come from?
- How do the actions of Jesus show that he is the Son of God?
- How do these stories reveal Jesus to be the Son of God
Through our RE lessons, we will be deepening our understanding of the faiths of Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam.
In Geography unit this half term, we are learning about East Anglia which is a region of the UK.
In Art, we will be exploring Parietal Art which is also known as Cave Art. We will be learning about the skills and techniques used when creating this style of artwork before creating our own pieces of Parietal Art.
This half term in PSHE, we we will be learning about living in the wider world.
In PE we are going to be learning how to play target games!
Other subjects we will explore this half term are; Music, Computing and French.