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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Year 4

Year 4

Pupils in Year 4 are given the opportunity to develop their understanding of the evaluate, design, make and evaluate structure as an iterative process.  They are introduced to a new area, ICT and electrical systems, whilst revisiting the areas of textiles and cooking and nutrition.


ICT & Electrical Systems

Year 4 pupils investigate and evaluate battery powered products in ICT and electrical systems, making cross curricular links to science and circuits.  They apply and develop the shape, join and finish skills learnt in Year 2 & Year 3 with increased accuracy, to produce a battery powered product.  In addition, they are taught the technical skills to understand and use electrical systems in their products, such as series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs and buzzers.



Building on the textiles knowledge gained in KS1, Year 4 pupils investigate and evaluate a range of 3d textile products.  They learn how to securely join two pieces of fabric together whilst considering the need for patterns and seam allowances.  To make a 3d product pupils are shown how to select fabrics and fastenings according to their functional characteristics e.g. strength, and aesthetic qualities. 


Cooking & Nutrition

In cooking and nutrition, Year 4 pupils are given the opportunity to consolidate their existing skills and knowledge of the Eatwell Plate and food groups.  They increase their understanding of cross contamination and the impact this can have.  When producing a healthy snack, they will consider the type of ingredients and the journey they have been on to reach the plate.


In addition to previous year group, pupils in Year 4 are expected to take other pupils’ views into account when evaluating their products.