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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Computing Rationale

Computing Rationale.

For more information on why we teach the Computing curriculum the way we do, please click on the year group below:

After each lesson work is marked and feedback is given on the Purple Mash platform. Misconceptions are identified to address skills that need to be recapped in the following lesson. At the end of each unit, children complete an 'end of unit quiz' so teachers can assess every child’s understanding. The subject leader moderates work completed on Purple Mash at the end of each term to identify strengths and weaknesses in the Computing curriculum across the school. This helps to create a ‘plan of action’ and make targets for the future.


Children in Years 3 to 6 who are a part of the Junior Jam Computing program will be assessed by their specialist instructor when they take on their assessed task.


As pupils prepare to leave St Michael with St Johns CE Primary School, they will have been prepared with the skills to continually advance themselves in the technological and IT based society we live in. Pupils will draw on their Computing knowledge in real life situations, increasing their confidence, further equipping them to achieve in their future.