Year 1
Autumn 1
This half term block in Year 1 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories with familiar settings
- Non-chronological reports
- Poems on a theme
Children will begin the Autumn term by building on what they have learnt about composition in Early Years. Children learn to say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense. They are also taught to separate words with spaces. A strong emphasis is placed during this half term on the children’s ability to re-read every sentence to check that it makes sense. Moving towards the end of the first half term in Year One children will orally plan and rehearse ideas. They will also develop strategies in reading their writing aloud to adults and peers.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Demarcating sentences with a capital letter and full stop is a high priority at this point in the year so a strong emphasis is placed on this. Once children are secure, they progress onto using the conjunction ‘and’ to link words and clauses and also learn to identify and use question marks. During the poetry unit, children also learn to make singular nouns plural using ‘s’.
By the end of the first half of the Autumn term, children in Year One will produce three writing outcomes. A sequenced narrative using familiar plots, a short non-fiction text and a poem on a theme.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Autumn term are:
- Spelling words with double endings: ff, ll, ss, zz
- Spelling ‘ck’ after a short vowel
- Spelling words containing ‘nk’
Autumn 2
This half term block in Year 1 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories with repetitive patterns
- Poems on a theme
- Range of non-fiction texts.
Children begin the second half of the Autumn term consolidating their understanding of composition. The ability to say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense is of a high priority in Year One so it continues to be taught and modelled explicitly. It is expected that at this stage in the year, children will be able to separate words with spaces without being prompted. Once a sentence has been completed, children are encouraged to re-read it to check that it makes sense. Children will also build upon the strategies gained in the first half of the Autumn term to read their writing aloud to adults and peers.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Children continue during this half term to consolidate their ability to demarcate sentences with a capital letter and full stop and identify and use question marks. It is also expected that the children will continue to use the conjunction 'and' to link words and clauses.
At this point in the year, new learning is introduced as the children learn to use capital letters for names of people.
By the end of the second half of the Autumn term, children in Year One will produce three writing outcomes. A narrative based on a model with innovation, a poem based on a theme and an information booklet.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Autumn term are:
- Spelling words with two syllables
- Spelling the 'ch' sound 'tch'
- Spelling words that end in a v sound
- Adding -s to make a plural.
Spring 1
This half term block in Year 1 consists of three genres which are:
- Classic stories on a theme
- Instructions
- Traditional rhymes
Children begin the first half of the Spring term consolidating their understanding of composition. The ability to say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense is of a high priority in Year One so it continues to be taught and modelled explicitly. It is expected that at this stage in the year, children will be able to separate words with spaces without being prompted. Once a sentence has been completed children are encouraged to re-read it to check that it makes sense. Children will also build upon the strategies gained in the Autumn term to read their writing aloud to adults and peers.
New learning is introduced here as the children are encouraged to apply the skills learnt in the Autumn term to compose and sequence their own sentences to write short narratives. Children will also be able to sequence ideas and events in the correct order and write in different forms with simple text type features e.g. instructions.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Children continue during this half term to consolidate their ability to demarcate sentences with a capital letter and full stop and identify and use question marks. It is also expected that the children will continue to use the conjunction 'and' to link words and clauses and use capital letters for names.
At this point in the year, new learning is introduced as the children learn to identify and use exclamation marks and add suffixes to verbs where no spelling change is needed.
By the end of the first half of the Spring term, children in Year One will produce three writing outcomes. A narrative based on a model with innovation, a simple set of instructions and a simple rhyme based on a traditional rhyme.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Spring term are:
- Adding -es to make a plural
- Adding -ing to a root word
- Adding -er to a root word
Spring 2
This half term block in Year 1 consists of two genres which are:
- Traditional tales
- Recounts
Children begin the second half of the Spring term consolidating their understanding of composition. The ability to say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense is of a high priority in Year One so it continues to be taught and modelled explicitly. It is expected that at this stage in the year, children will be able to separate words with spaces without being prompted. Once a sentence has been completed children are encouraged to re-read it to check that it makes sense. Children will also be able to confidently read their writing aloud to adults and peers.
New learning is introduced here as the children extend their range of joining words to link words and clauses using 'but' and 'or'. They also learn to use formulaic phrases to open and close texts.
Alongside compositional skills, children also develop their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Children continue during this half term to consolidate their ability to demarcate sentences with a capital letter and full stop and identify and use question marks. It is also expected that the children will continue to identify and use exclamation marks and add suffixes to verbs where no spelling change is needed.
At this point in the year, new learning is introduced as the children learn to add the prefix ‘un’ to verbs and adjectives to change the meaning e.g. untie, unkind. They also build on their use of capital letters to include
the personal pronoun 'I' and people, places and days of the week.
By the end of the second half of the Spring term, children in Year One will produce two writing outcomes. A narrative based on a model with innovation and a recount of a family event.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Spring term are:
- Adding -ed to a root word
- Adding -er and -est to adjectives
- Spelling words ending in y
Summer 1
This half term block in Year 1 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories with familiar settings
- Non-fiction text: Booklets
- Traditional rhymes
During the Summer term children in Year One consolidate the skills taught within the Autumn and Spring term. They leave Year One able to:
- say and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense.
- separate words with spaces
- re-read sentences to check that they make sense
- read their writing aloud to adults and peers
- use formulaic phrases to open and close texts
- sequence ideas and events
- write in different forms with simple text type features.
Alongside compositional skills, children also consolidate their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Children leave Year One able to:
- demarcate sentences with a capital letter and full stop
- identify and use question marks
- identify and use exclamation marks
- add suffixes to verbs where no spelling change is needed
- use capital letters for names, places, days of the week and the personal pronoun 'I'.
By the end of the first half of the Summer term, children in Year One will produce three writing outcomes. A story based on a text, an information booklet and a simple rhyme based on a traditional rhyme.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the first half of the Summer term are:
- Spelling 'ph'
- Spelling 'wh'
- Spelling words with 'k'
Summer 2
This half term block in Year 1 consists of three genres which are:
- Stories with fantasy settings
- Poems to learn by heart
- Recounts
During the Summer term children in Year One consolidate the skills taught within the Autumn and Spring term. They leave Year One able to:
- say and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense.
- separate words with spaces
- re-read sentences to check that they make sense
- read their writing aloud to adults and peers
- use formulaic phrases to open and close texts
- sequence ideas and events
- write in different forms with simple text type features.
Alongside compositional skills, children also consolidate their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Children leave Year One able to:
- demarcate sentences with a capital letter and full stop
- identify and use question marks
- identify and use exclamation marks
- add suffixes to verbs where no spelling change is needed
- use capital letters for names, places, days of the week and the personal pronoun 'I'.
By the end of the second half of the Summer term, children in Year One will produce two writing outcomes. A fantasy story and a first person recount. They will also learn a poem by heart for performance.
Transcription- Spelling
Children in Year One at St Michael with St John follow the 'Collins Connect' spelling programme. They are provided with a spelling pattern over a two week period and receive spellings linked to this each week to take home and learn.
The spelling patterns taught in the second half of the Summer term are:
- Adding the prefix -un
- Spelling compound words
- Spelling the days of the week