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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!




At St Michael with St John, we encourage the children to take pride in their appearance as this sets an important standard for our school. We ask parents and carers to support us in this by providing a uniform as follows:



  • Sky blue polo shirt (with or without the school logo)

  • Royal blue sweatshirt (with or without the school logo)

  • Grey trousers

  • Black or grey socks

  • Sensible plain black school shoes (not trainers) - shoes with velcro fasteners are preferable for younger children until they can tie their own shoe laces without support

  • In summer boys may wear grey shorts

  • Warm waterproof coat with a hood – a coat with a zip is preferable for younger children until they can fasten buttons/other fasteners on their own without support.



  • Sky blue polo shirt (with or without the school logo).
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo).
  • Tartan skirt/pinafore dress or grey trousers / skirt (tartan items available from Whittakers).
  • Headscarves are not part of the school’s standard uniform.  However, if parents wish their child to wear one, they are permitted in upper Key Stage 2 only (Year 5 and 6).  These must be royal blue or black and have no sequins/decoration.  They must be a short, pullover scarf with no fastening.  Children will be asked to remove headscarves during PE and at other times as appropriate. 
  • Black or grey tights/socks.
  • In summer girls may wear a short sleeved blue check gingham dress with white tights/socks.
  • Warm waterproof coat with a hood – a coat with a zip is preferable for younger children until they can fasten buttons/other fasteners on their own without support.



  • PE kits should be brought to school in a PE bag. The children will get changed in school for their PE lessons.  PE bags are available to purchase rom the school office.  They can also be purchased at most supermarkets.

  • Royal blue t-shirt (with or without the school logo)

  • Royal blue nylon shorts

  • Black pumps (no trainers)



  • In the interest of health and safety, jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of children with pierced ears. Only small plain studs may be worn, which must be removed or covered with tape for PE.

  • Extremes of fashion are not acceptable in shoes, hair styles or other aspects of appearance.

  • Hair past shoulder length should be tied back with sensible bands - blue or black in colour only. No big bows or other excessive head wear will be permitted. Optional school headbands, bobbles and clips are available from Whittakers.

  • All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • Sensible plain black school shoes (not trainers) - shoes with velcro fasteners are preferable.
  • Parents will be contacted if children fail to uphold the high expectations of appearance which the school expects.



  • A school book bag (these can be purchased from the office). Other suitable, slim book bags may be used. Please do not add keyrings to school bags as this makes it difficult for them to be stored.
  • A warm waterproof coat with a hood – a coat with a zip is preferable.
  • A water bottle (must be washed thoroughly and refilled at home daily. School bottles are available to purchase from the school office.
  • A healthy snack e.g. piece of fruit (no nuts or unhealthy snacks will be permitted).
  • No pencil cases
  • No other bags
  • No money or valuables



  • Whittakers School Wear is our main provider of clothing which bears the school logo.  Other providers may be available.

  • As there is no obligation to have the school logo on the uniform, parents may prefer to purchase clothing from other outlets e.g. supermarkets.

  • Second-hand uniform may be available from Rummage Rescuers (please see the leaflet below for further information).


Our School Uniform