What are we learning this half term?
Spring 1
This half term, we will be learning...
The text we are studying is The Hound of the Baskervilles by the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Our writing outcomes will include a narrative cliff hanger with lots of description and a non-fiction formal event report.
Our maths focus this half term will be calculations around fractions and decimals. We will also be learning how to measure angles in shapes. We will also use reasoning and problem solving skills to answer questions about these topics.
Pupils will model and explain how the solar system works. They will create and share a scaled version of the solar system. Pupils will use shadow investigations to demonstrate the movement of the Earth on its axis. They will model and demonstrate how and why the moon appears to change shape across a lunar month and show in a diagram how the moon appears in its various phases. |
A non-chronological report will enable the children to demonstrate their understanding of this unit.
Our topic this half term is ‘The World in our School’ We will focus on segregation, misconception and stereotypes whilst celebrating the wealth of diversity on our own classroom. | |
‘Living in the Wider World’ is the focus for this term where we will be learning about what it means to be part of a community including prejudice and stereotype.
Religious Education
Why is the Exodus such a significant event for various faiths? will be the ‘Big Question’ for this half term.
Autumn 2
This half term, we will be learning...
This half term we will be studying the text ‘FArTHER’ by Grahame Baker Smith allowing us to analyse the conventions of different types of writing. We will also be learning to use punctuation to determine intonation and expression when reading aloud to a range of audiences. Our writing outcomes will be to write a setting description and a letter
This half term our focus will be multiplication and division followed by perimeter and area
We will continue our work on the properties of materials and develop our learning through the study of reversible and irreversible changes. This will be done through investigations and experiments.
The study of the Mayan Civilisation is the focus of for history, looking at the way they lived and the possible reasons for its collapse.
Our study for P.S.H.E will include safe and healthy relationships including respecting ourselves and others around us.
In DT we will be learning about the need to consider allergies and faith when creating and designing a healthy menu.
Autumn 1
This half term we will be learning ....
This half term we will be studying the text 'When We Walked on the Moon' allowing us to analyse the conventions of different types of writing. We will also be learning to use punctuation to determine intonation and expression when reading aloud to a range of audiences. Our writing outcomes will be to write an exploration narrative and a recount
This half term we will have a number focus through the following areas in our Maths lessons:
- Reasoning with large whole integers
- Integer addition and subtraction
- Line graphs and timetables
In Science our research will be based around the properties of everyday materials through investigations and experiments.
This half term we will be studying - A Region Within South America: covering The Amazon Basin
Our focus this half term is relationships, we will looking at different kinds of families and our relationships with our families.
Our focus will be based around religious journeys for Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism.