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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Year 6

Year 6 Rationale


In Year 6 pupils explore and create liks between Art and Music, depicting mood and emotion and conveying this in a creative way. This unit of work allows pupils to use the vast array of mastery Artisitc skills that they have now developed in a more abstract form. Pupils in Year 6 also use the work of select Artisits such as Wassily Kandinsky, Liu Bolin and Jayne Huskisson to develop a deeper understanding of colour as they continue to develop and refine their own style of Art using different tones and effects. Pupils also continue developing their effective use of digital art from Year 5, they are further challenged in this field through the use of viewfinders to create a ‘snapshot’ perspective. Now at the end of the Key Stage 2 Art and Design Curriculum, pupils’s stamina in creating a piece of Art is developed, as pupils are expected to work in a sustained and independent way to create detailed works of Art. When evaluating their work in Year 6 it is expected that pupils will be able to write a reflective piece at length, using the vast range of evaluative vocabulary that they now have.