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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Year 1

Year 1

Further to EYFS, year one pupils are introduced to the topic areas of mechanisms, structures and cooking and nutrition.  In each topic area, Year 1 pupils evaluate and comment on existing physical (or picture) products.  They are challenged to generate ideas based on simple design criteria and their own experiences, explaining what they could make.  These should be developed, modelled and communicated through talking, drawing and mock ups. 


Pupils are taught the technical skills and appropriate technical vocabulary to make a product that is purposeful.  These include:

  • Understanding that different mechanisms produce different types of movement.
  • How to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable
  • Understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from e.g. farmed or grown at home.
  • Understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
  • Use simple hygiene methods when handling food.


When making products, Year 1 pupils are expected to be able to select and use appropriate tools and skills and for their project – explaining their choices.  They will use simple finishing techniques suitable for the product they are creating.


Finally, children in Year 1 evaluate their product and discuss whether it is usable and how well it meets the design criteria.