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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Year 5

Year 5 Rationale


As pupils progress into upper Key Stage 2 pupils begin to look more in depth within a piece of Art to identify and speak with confidence about composition, scale and proportion. In Year 5 pupils expand on their knowledge of compositions in sculptures and paintings, in particular the proficient use of acrylic paint. They use dry and wet media to create patterns and textures. Particular units explored within this year group allow pupils to identify and work effectively with complimentary and contrasting colours. Pupils in Year 5 will study in detail the work of Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Rousseau, Ruth Daniels and Exekias. These Artisits allow our pupils to compare and contrast the evolution of particular styles of Art in different eras. A new field of Art is introduced within this academic year- Digital Art- this requires our pupils to apply their Artistic skills in a very different and challenging way. When evaluating in upper Key Stage 2 is expected that our pupils can now identify and outline in detail the pros and cons of different medias.