Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
St Michael with St John C of E Primary School is proud to be an inclusive school.
At St Michael with St John, we believe that all pupils, regardless of their needs or ability, have the right to a high quality education. We support and guide our pupils to aim high, providing them with ambitious opportunities that reflect high expectations for all. As encapsulated in our school motto, ‘Nurture, Inspire, Achieve’, we ensure that our curriculum and wider opportunities throughout school are designed to enable access to all and if required, can be adapted and developed to meet individual special educational needs and / or disabilities.
We endeavour to establish a very clear understanding of all of our pupils’ needs through early identification of SEN/D, beginning for most pupils, prior to them joining us. Working in partnership with parents / carers and external agencies is integral to this. Appropriate training may also be sought for staff members at this point to ensure the quality of teaching and learning on offer for pupils with specific needs meets a high standard.
Our bespoke curriculum, which is based on the National Curriculum, has been planned specifically to meet the needs of our pupils at St Michael with St John. With the main area of need for our pupils being speech, language and communication, all our subjects have a distinct focus on language development and understanding of key vocabulary, along with opportunities for oracy development. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum with schemes of work for each subject that follow a coherent, well-planned sequence. Individual lessons allow for adaptations and the inclusion of supplementary resources to be made as required. For more information, please visit our ‘curriculum pages’ page on our school website.
Ultimately, we are driven by the belief that all of our pupils at St Michael with St John deserve to have their world enriched with knowledge and skills that will make a difference to their lives long after they leave us.
In the sub-pages below, you can read all about our provision and how we support children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, and their families. For further information, please contact our Inclusion Manager - Miss Qadri - at the school on 01254 665190.