Year 6
Year 6 Rationale
In Y6 pupils consolidate the fundamental skills and apply these across a range of sporting games.
Y6 pupils are taught using the topics:
Invasion Games – Tag Rugby
Across this unit pupils learn to: run with a ball and to pass and catch a rugby ball to score a try. Pupils also understand when to pass and understand when to run with the ball. Pupils apply principles of attacking and are able to apply them consistently in a game of rugby.
In this unit pupils revisit and develop a range of jumps and travelling movements. Pupils explore partner and mirrored balances, counter tension paired balances, group balances and gymnastic actions using apparatus. This allows pupils to master a gymnastic sequence with a partner and apply it to gymnastic apparatus.
In this unit pupils adapt, create and work collaboratively on a sequence of movements linked to a theme. Pupils perform the sequence with fluency, coordination and control.
In this unit pupils revisit map reading techniques. Pupils progress their map reading skills by being able to: orientate a map, understand the 8 points on a compass, navigate to a control marker, record information from a control marker and understand how to score on a control marker. In this unit pupils also develop team work skills and an understanding of how the OAA can help their fitness and health.
In this unit pupils recap running and throwing skills in isolation. They progress on to combining jumping actions and throwing skills in an athletic type activity and develop skills to compare their performances with their own and others.
Striking and Fielding – Rounders
Throughout this unit pupils recap the underarm throw and progress this to be able to complete it with accuracy. Pupils strike a ball with accuracy. They understand how to position themselves in the field, develop tactics in a rounders games and know when to bowl using underarm or overarm.