Year 4
Year 4 Rationale
In Y4 pupils continue to develop the use of basic fundamental skills in isolation and combination across a range of sporting games. Also in Y4, pupils begin to explore and participate in some outdoor adventurous activities.
In Y4 pupils are taught through the topics:
In this unit pupils again revisit being able to copy and adapt a sequence. Pupils create and work collaboratively on a sequence of movements using different body positions and perform these movements with control and fluency.
Throughout this unit pupils revisit throwing actions (push throws). Pupils begin to explore running in isolation, new throwing actions (sling throws) and jumping actions (standing long jump). This supports pupils to: run for distance, perform 5 different jumps, choose from three different throws and pass a baton in a race. Again, pupils develop personal bests and be able to evaluate their own and others performances.
In this unit pupils develop a wider range of jumping actions. Pupils learn different ways of rolling and travelling on their hands and feet. Pupils also increase their range of balances on small and large body parts. Pupils create a sequence of travelling, balancing, jumping and rolling movements.
Orienteering Trust and Trails
In this unit pupils are introduced to the technique of map reading. Throughout this unit pupils gain skills to be able to communicate, work collaboratively, take responsibility for themselves and others, trust others, work effectively as part of a team and decision making skills.
Striking and Fielding – Cricket
In this unit pupils learn to use multidirectional movement. They revisit different ways of sending and receiving a ball. Pupils use simple tactics in a game and use skills to evaluate tactics and their own success.
Invasion Games – On the Attack
In this unit pupils revisit travelling with a ball and progress these skills by travelling with a ball at speed, while under control. They use simple tactics to ‘outwit’ an opponent and apply suitable attacking and invasion tactics in an invasion type game.