Reception Rationale
Autumn 1
Pupils build on previous learning to subitise to the value of 5. They count with 1:1 correspondence to 10 and beyond, counting objects and sounds. Pupils recognise numerals from 0 to10.
Autumn 2
Pupils subitise to at least the value of 5. They count with 1:1 correspondence beyond 10, counting objects and sounds. Pupils recognise numerals from 0 to 15. They begin to calculate one more and one less and the relationship between quantities and numerals. Pupils name and describe basic 2D shapes and continue and develop their own repeating patterns (ABABAB). Pupils compare weight, size and capacity.
Spring 1
Pupils build on previous learning to subitise to at least the value of 5. They compare weight, length and capacity. Pupils continue, copy and create repeating patterns (ABCABCABC). They understand number bonds to 5 and explore the composition of numbers to a value of 10.
Spring 2
Pupils build on previous learning to subitise to at least the value of 5. They build on their understanding of number bonds to 5 to identify number bonds to 10. Pupils continue to explore the composition of numbers to a value of 10. They build on their understanding of one more and one less. Pupils develop their ability to write numerals. They name, sort and describe 3D shapes.
Summer 1
Pupils gain a deep understanding of the composition of numbers to a value of 10, beginning to understand how numbers beyond 10 are made. They have automatic recall of number bonds to a value of 5. Pupils build on previous learning to write numerals. They continue to build on their understanding of one more and one less. Pupils explore the relationship between subtraction and addition. They double facts to a value of 10. Pupils develop an understanding of which resources to use for addition and subtraction.
Summer 2
Pupils automatically recall number bonds to a value of 10. They continue to develop their ability to write numerals independently. Pupils calculate one more and one less independently. Pupils build on previous learning of subtraction and addition relationships to add and subtract efficiently. Pupils use number lines effectively for addition and subtraction. They continue to double facts to a value of 10. Pupils build on previous learning to verbally count beyond 20. They recognise counting patterns. They identify odd and even numbers to a value of 20. Pupils explore simple division (sharing).