What are we learning this half term?
Spring 1 2025
This half term, the Year 5/6 Leopards are learning...
Collective Worship
Our values are Respect, Love, Forgiveness, Service, Friendship and Peace. These values underpin our curriculum.
Throughout this half term, we are learning about what each value means and how we can promote each one through our daily actions to make a positive contribution to our school and the wider community. We are reading, listening to and responding to bible stories, which teach Christians about the importance of our values in daily life.
Don't forget to complete your values task at home - it could be included on our next newsletter!
This half term, we are studying the following question:
The Exodus: Why is the Exodus such a significant event in Christian history?
The Eucharist: Why do Christians celebrate the Eucharist?
Jesus (Easter): Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Through our RE lessons, we will be deepening our understanding of the faiths of Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam.
Throughout our RE lessons we answer 'Big Questions', which give us the opportunity to discuss and debate open-ended questions that have many possible answers. These questions broaden our thinking, acting as a springboard to new ideas and opinions.
This half term, we are studying the texts Paradise Sands by Levi Pinfold. We are using our reading skills to gain a deeper understanding of the characters, settings and plot within the text. We also have a variety of opportunities to write for different audiences and purposes.
Reading Plus
This half term, we are accessing Reading Plus on a weekly basis in school. Every child is to complete a minimum of 5 reading sessions per week. The aim of this programme is to improve children's reading and comprehension skills, by quickly adapting to meet the exact needs of every learner. Any sessions not completed by the end of the week in school, should be completed for homework.
In our daily lessons, we are learning about the following topics:
Decimals and Measure
Missing Angles and Lengths
Co-ordinates and Shapes
Please ensure that your child has secure knowledge of the times-tables up to twelve multiplied by twelve, alongside the corresponding division facts. These should be practised at home on a regular basis through Times Tables Rockstars.
In Science this half term, year 5 Leopards are learning about Earth and Space.
In Science this half term, year 6 Leopards are learning about Animals, Including Humans.
Please make sure that your child learns all the vocabulary definitions and facts that are listed on their Knowledge Organiser, so that they are fully prepared for their Science lessons. This knowledge will be tested in a quick quiz at the beginning of each lesson. A copy of this document is available on our class page and will be stuck in your child's Homework Book at the beginning of each half term.
This half term, we are learning about Living in the Wider World.
In Geography this half term, we are learning about the The World in my School.
Please make sure that your child learns all the vocabulary definitions and facts that are listed on their Knowledge Organiser, so that they are fully prepared for their Geography lessons. This knowledge will be tested in a quick quiz at the beginning of each lesson. A copy of this document is available on our class page and will be stuck in your child's Homework Book at the beginning of each half term.
In Art this half term, we are learning about the artist Vincent Van Gogh and we will be using his style of layering acrylic paint to creates a space scene.