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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Clubs & Children's University

St Michael with St John offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities under the umbrella of Blackburn Children’s University to all children from Reception to Year 6.  We have new clubs at the beginning of every term for you to sign your child up to. Sign up is done online on the school payment system SCOPAY. 


In addition to our club offer, we have strong sporting links with Blackburn Rovers Community Trust, Chance to Shine and Masters of Martial Arts where further exciting opportunities are made available. We also work very closely with a number of local schools. 


Children also have the opportunity to take part in activities during the school holidays. These can range from sports activities, creative days and arts and crafts. These activities are run at school, but also at other local schools in the area. There are also family trips organised during the longer school holidays.


Once children move in to year one they are invited to become members of Blackburn Children’s University.  Children’s University members are given their very own passport and are rewarded for involvement in extra-curricular clubs and achievements at an annual graduation ceremony receiving national awards.  They are also provided with opportunities to engage in innovative learning activities and experience university life from a young age.  They are given the opportunity to attend additional activities at the University Centre, Blackburn College, Blackburn Museum as well as some additional trips throughout the year too.


Children who are members of Blackburn Children's University are also rewarded for visiting places outside of school such as museums, taking part in swimming lessons, scouts, visiting the library, the list could go on!  These places are called ‘Public Learning Destinations’ and are ‘validated’ as part of Children’s University. Please see the document below about how organisations can join this.


Blackburn Children's University works very closely with local providers and charities such as Youth Action, Blackburn Youth Zone, Blackburn Library, One Voice and many more. These provide additional opportunities for our children.


Sara Burton is our school’s Extended Schools Coordinator and the Blackburn Children's University Manager.  She looks after Blackburn Children’s University and works with seven schools in Blackburn.


There are so many ways children can get involved, with something of interest for everyone.  For more information, please follow Blackburn Children’s University on:

Facebook – @BlackburnCU

Twitter – @Blackburn_CU


Alternatively you can contact Sara Burton directly on 07805929965 or email her on

Clubs - Spring Term 2025

Children's University - Information & Newsletter

Public Learning Destinations