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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!


Nursery Rationale



In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) pupils access Art and Design through the specific learning area of Expressive Arts and Design (Exploring and Using Media Materials and Being Imaginative).


As pupils begin their journey through the Expressive Arts and Design Curriculum they experiment with blocks, colours and different marks. Pupils are guided to experiment with paint, printing equipment and a range of mark making equipment. Progressing on from this, pupils are taught about colour mixing and are encouraged to begin independently mixing their own colours. During their time in Nursery pupils also begin to understand how to use lines to close a space and how to use these shapes to represent different objects. Towards the end of their Nursery learning journey in the Expressive Arts, pupils realise that tools can be used for different purposes. For example, pupils independently and are safely supported to access and use rolling pins, playdough cutters, whisks and scissors.