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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development Learning is focused on developing the following skills:

  • Confidently speaking to others, sharing their ideas and being able to select their resources independently.
  • Fully understanding our school rules and knowing that their actions affect other people’s feelings.
  • Taking account of what others say, negotiating and solving problems appropriately.


By the end of Reception children will be able to express themselves through speaking, be confident in different situations and able access resources/areas, developing their learning independently.  They can independently solve problems.  Children will display friendly behaviour, helping to create a safe and happy environment to learn.  Children cope with their feelings appropriately as problems are solved effectively.


Understanding of the World

Understanding the World Learning is focused on developing the following skills:

  • Talking about their own family and community.
  • Having an awareness of roles and occupations of others.
  • Observing and talking about similarities, differences, patterns and change in the environment.
  • Using ICT with awareness of safety and beginning to understand its purpose both at school and home.


By sharing experiences about own immediate family and community, children will have a sense of belonging.  They will know some similarities and differences between families, customs and traditions whilst also understanding the importance of respect and tolerance, celebrating and accepting differences. Children will have some understanding of the purpose of ICT and know when ICT would be useful for specific purposes or to support learning.  This knowledge can support children’s uses of ICT at home and school and they are taught how to use ICT safely.


Physical Development

Physical Development Learning is focused on developing the following skills:


  • Showing good control and co-ordination in movements and using of a range of equipment/tools (gross and fine motor skills).
  • Understanding the importance of exercise, good hygiene, healthy diet and how to be safe in new challenges.


By the time the children leave Reception, they will have developed transferable skills through the development of effective gross and fine motor skills.  Children’s understanding of good hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and using equipment safely will help them to develop active, healthy and safe practices that the children will adopt now and in the future.