Upper Key Stage 2
In this topic, pupils begin by exploring how to manage friendships and peer influence. Children then recap their prior knowledge on safe relationships by learning about physical contact and the feeling of being safe. Completing this topic, pupils explore responding respectfully to a wide range of people, developing their social awareness. Children then develop their previous knowledge of differences by further understanding prejudice and discrimination.
By the end of KS2, pupils have developed an understanding of the vast strands of friendships and relationships. Children revisit this knowledge by understanding other levels of relationships. This then lends to the exploration of civil partnership and marriage. Pupils continue to develop their knowledge of safe relationships by recognising how to manage pressure, furthermore consent, in different situations. Towards the end of this topic, pupils are able to sensitively express their opinions and respect other people's point of view. They learn to apply this to discussing topical issues and debating.
Living in the Wider World
In this topic, children develop an awareness of the wider community and explore the environment and how we can contribute to protecting our environment. Children develop their previous learning from the Relationships unit, by better understanding how to show compassion to others in various scenarios. In the exploration of media literacy and digital resilience, Year 5 pupils learn how information online can be targeted, and how this information is portrayed through different media types. Children then explore their role and impact in these situations. Children continue to explore money and work by identifying their own interests and aspirations. Pupils explore ways in which career choices are influenced and develop a clearer understanding of stereotypes in the workplace.
Children then build upon all prior knowledge learnt surrounding difference and apply this to develop a clear understanding of the meaning of diversity. Children learn about challenging discrimination and explore more complex differences and stereotypes. In understanding digital resilience, children develop their evaluation skills by comparing and reviewing different media sources. Pupils understand more about sharing things online and this is reinforced through online safety discussions.
Health and Well-being
In Health and Well-being, children revisit their prior learning on the importance of sleep through developing an understanding of healthy sleeping habits. They then continue to explore personal safety in relation to sun safety, medicine and furthermore vaccinations and immunisations. Children learn about allergies and different treatments for different allergies. Pupils apply the prior knowledge acquired about growing and changing through understanding their personal identity. Children begin to understand physical changes that start to happen in puberty as well as emotional changes they may experience. Children are able to recognise their own individuality and different qualities. This is supported through an exploration of mental wellbeing. Through discussion of safety, pupils understand how to keep safe in different situations, including responding to emergencies and first aid.
Following on from prior knowledge, pupils gain a deeper understanding of what affects mental health and ways we can take care of it. Children learn how to manage sensitive situations of change such as loss and bereavement. Children then learn about managing their time online and the impact too much time online can have. Pupils learn build upon their learning about physical change and physical processes in Year 6. Children then go on to explore increased independence as they grow and change and how to manage transitions as they experience them. In relation to safety, pupils understand how and why keeping personal information safe is so important. Children learn about different regulations and choices they make through keeping themselves safe, understanding drug use at a suitable level and the laws attached to this. Finally, children explore how drug use is portrayed and viewed through the media.