Year 3
Year 3 Rationale
From Key Stage 1 to the beginning of Key Stage 2 pupils improve their mastery of a range of Art and Design techniques. Pupils’s’s pre-existing artistic skills are now applied to a range of different contexts, mediums and styles of art. For example, Parietal Art, Fresco Painting and the work of Claes Oldenburg.The specific units taught allow our pupils to work in new ways both individually and collaboratively, exploring new fields of Art that they have not yet encountered. Pupils will learn how they can most effectively use a mixture of their art and craft skills in the field of textile sculptures and painting onto different mediums such as plaster. When analysing Artists’ work our pupils are now encouraged to use the technique identified to then produce their own individual creations, this in turns allows them to experiment with their own artistic style. During their time in Year 3 pupils also begin to use their bank of evaluative vocabulary to form more detailed and sustained reflections of their own and others work.