Nursery Stars
Pupils in our nursery are able to learn about religious education through various episodes of learning. These experiences are designed to be the building blocks for later learning and build on pupils' current skills. By using familiar concepts, resources and themes, we are enabling pupils to talk about their families, cultures and explore the concepts of values.
Pupils in nursery learn how to answer the following Prime Learning Challenge questions as part of their learning about religion and cultural diversity. Additionally, nursery pupils learn essential skills pertaining to religious education through their learning about values
In Nursery children begin by learning about Harvest in Autumn 1. In Autumn 2 they learn all about Special Times including Christmas, Diwali and Chinese New Year. Spring 2 asks the question Why is this object Special? where they look at artefacts from different faiths. In Spring 2 the question, What makes our World Beautiful? Includes learning about, Easter and Mother’s Day. In Summer 1 they investigate the question, What makes a place Special? And What makes a World Special? Summer 2 completes the year with People who are special to us including Father’s Day.