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St Michael With St John Church of England Primary School

Nurture, Inspire, Achieve!

Reception Sunshines

The RE curriculum is built around three main strands consisting of  ‘Believing’ which focuses on Religious beliefs, the teachings, sources and questions about meaning, purpose and truth. Expressing is the second strand which considers Religious forms of expressing and questions about identity and diversity. The final strand living is based around how people live out their beliefs through practices, ways of life and the values and commitments linked to them.


In Foundation stage children start their religious study by ‘discovering’ all about different faiths.

 In Autumn 1 they begin with the question: ‘Which stories are special and why?’ Which is connected to the beliefs strand about stories from the Bible, this is then enhanced with the Questful RE strand Stories Jesus Heard, Stories Jesus told.

Autumn 2 raises the question, ‘Which people are special and why?’           This is also part of the belief strand and is supported further by ‘What makes a person special?’  ‘What makes a good friend? This is enhanced further by ‘How do we celebrate Jesus’ birthday?’ which also links to Christmas.

Spring 1 covers the question ‘Which places are special and why?’ This is part of the expressing strand which is then developed further by the QRE EYFS ‘What makes a place special/holy?’

In Spring 2 children consider the question ‘Which times are special and why?’ This is part of the expressing strand and enhanced through the QRE unit for EYFS Easter and Special times

Summer 1 begins with the question from the Living strand of ‘Where do we belong?’ Which leads to further discussion from the QRE unit of I am special.

Summer 2 raises the question ‘What is special about our world?’  From the Living strand.