Year 2
Autumn 1
This half term the Y1/2 Turtles will be learning...
Collective Worship
Throughout each half term we will be focusing on a different value each week. The values we will be exploring are; respect, love, forgiveness, service, friendship and peace. We will be listening to and responding to a range of Bible stories that teach Christians about the importance of our values.
This half term we will be looking at the story 'The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon'. The children will write their own instructions based on the story. Following this unit, the children will then create information posters.
Reading Eggs
Each half term, we will be accessing Reading Eggs on a weekly basis. The aim is for every child to complete a minimum of 5 reading sessions per week.
Most of these sessions will be completed in school, however, it would be extremely beneficial for children to be accessing it from home on a weekly basis as well. The aim of this programme is to improve children's reading and comprehension skills.
This half term we will be covering the following areas in our Maths lessons:
- Numbers
- Addition & Subtraction
- Shape
Foundation Subjects
The subjects covered this half term are:
- Science - Animals, including humans
- PSHE - Relationships (Friendship)
- RE - The Bible
- PE - Dance
- Geography- Surrounding Environment
- Art - Sculptures
Junior Jam
We have specialist Music, Computing and Performing Art teachers from Junior Jam who come into school to teach the children these subjects.